Linear Clinical Research
Located in Nedlands, Australia, Linear Clinical Research provides pharmaceutical companies with clinical trials and research opportunities. The virtual tour offers a complete online view of the building, including: the clinic, the six consult spaces, the offices of the employees, the laboratory, the recreation area, the kitchenette, the store room, the pharmacy and the reception.
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Bender UK Operating Theatre Demo Room
Virtual reality tours can be important also in the medical field. From the organising of a space, with all its necessary equipment, to the evolution of the learning processes that can be more efficient if based on virtual reality technology, the tours can make important differences. The Bender UK operating theatre is a demo room that imitates at its finest a real operating room. Furthermore, it has additional hyperlinks that send the guests to external sources where they can find out way more information about the elements integrated in the room.
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Air Ambulance Eurocopter
Virtual tours can also be used to replace traditional showrooms when it comes to different types of equipment. The helicopter Airbus Helicopters H135 is a twin-engine civil light utility helicopter produced by Airbus Helicopters capable of flight under instrument flight rules (IFR) and outfitted with digital flight controls. It can be used by police and ambulance services for executive transport. The virtual tour can be used by workers within police & ambulance fields to analyze the product before taking the decision of investing in it.
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